l Jubairi Law Firm has ascended to a distinguished position in legal services, driven by a steadfast commitment to both legal excellence and timeless human values. Grounded in its unwavering adherence to global standards, the firm has garnered accreditation from esteemed international corporations, governmental bodies, and diplomatic missions alike. This dedication has not only earned the trust of its clientele but has also transcending industry leadership to embody a beacon of integrity, precision, trustworthiness, and transparency.

Our Services

Crafted with a tailored approach and an objective vision, our legal services are designed to align with the unique needs of our clients all with a focused and transparent approach that maintains an objective and comprehensive vision in addressing all assigned situations and issues.

Aljubairi continuing to serve clients with unwavering commitment and upholding legal standards to safeguard their rights and interests.


Consulting hours

4 Billions

(SAR) In cases & procedures


Case success rate


Foreign Embassy documents legalized


University trainee


Student training hours


Trainee Lawyer


Lawyer training hours

Our Clients

Al Jubairi Law Firm has earned the deserved & competent trust of major regional companies, family businesses, international corporations, financial institutions, local companies, and foreign embassies alike.